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Key Visual from FilmRestored

Thu 26.10.

  • Director

    Daniël Biltereyst, Bruno Mestdagh

  • Belgium / 2020
    37 min. / DCP / Original version with English subtitles

  • Cinema

    Arsenal 1

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  • Introduction: Daniël Biltereyst (Ghent University), Bruno Mestdagh (Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique – Cinematek) in English

The Belgian constitution prohibits censorship in all media, including film. Belgium thus gives the impression of being a liberal country. However, the Belgian Film Inspection Board Commission, created in 1920 to classify films according to violence, sex, drug use and other subjects, did not hesitate to make major cuts and the Belgian Cinematek owns many of them. Daniël Biltereyst and Bruno Mestdagh created ONGEZIEN from images that were never shown on Belgian cinema screens.

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund